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Posts about writing.

How to Choose a Title for Your Novel

When you choose a title for your novel, you’ll do more to increase (or decrease) its sales than any other decision, except perhaps choosing the cover. Unfortunately. Why…

How to Network Your Way to Publication

Do you want to get your novel published? If you’re like every author I’ve ever met, then the answer to that question is… yes. If it’s yes for…

How to Get Your Book Published – Myths and Reality

We all know it’s hard to get your book published, but did you realise that only about one in a thousand of the novels written each year are commercially published? I’ve been…

False Documents: Adding Authenticity to your Thriller

False documents are great for drawing your reader into your story. Why’s that important? Because many people have trouble suspending their disbelief in stories. This is doubly true for speculative…

Public Speaking Tips for Authors

Public speaking is one of the principal ways authors promote their books. But speaking to large groups terrifies many people and they do it badly. As a commercially published author,…

What is Alternative History?

Alternative history is becoming much better known because of two TV series: SS-GB and The Man in the High Castle, both set in a world where Nazi Germany won the Second World…

Writing Prompts: Creative Writing Inspiration

Here’s my selection of some of the best creative writing prompts I’ve come across in my career as a professional writer. You might think writing gets easier when you’re…

How to Proofread your own Work

You know what happens if you don’t proofread your novel? Your writing will have spelling, punctuation and formatting errors, and will look scrappy. And then you’ll get one-star…

How to Self Publish on Createspace the Easy Way

If you’ve decided to self-publish your book, and you want a physical book to hold in your hands – much more satisfying than an eBook – then the easiest…

The Art of the Novel

I was recently commissioned to write a chapter for a new creative writing book, called The Art of the Novel. My chapter is about how not to bore…